How to get rope arrows in rise of the tomb raider
How to get rope arrows in rise of the tomb raider

how to get rope arrows in rise of the tomb raider

Head to the middle platform and wait a little while You need to time it right, so that when the first shutter opens, crank the platform up. Solving the puzzle: Close both the shutters using your axe. How to get there: After the pilot casts the smoke signal, begin the ascent of the clifftop crossing on the way to findhim. Jump back onto the middle platform, then jump onto the climbing wall using your axe. Push off the large crate on the right to raise the platform higher. Light your torch and then burn the three bodies on the platform.

how to get rope arrows in rise of the tomb raider

Solving the puzzle: Jump across the platform to get to a brazier. How to get there: After you get your climbing axe, look out for a waterfall with some white paint markings on it. Our guide shows you where all the tombs are hidden, including their location and also a walkthrough for each one. So many of them, in fact, that our original version of this list left a few of the hardest out, but we've added them now.If you’re looking for the seven optional secret tombs in Tomb Raider, which give you extra XP and unlock the 50G Intellectually Superior achievement, you’ve come to the right place. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done as plenty of the achievements in the game are very difficult to win. And a good way to spend time after the credits roll is to try to earn all of the Xbox or Steam achievements. It's such an absorbing and addicting adventure that once it comes to a close, you probably want more. Updated NovemBy Ben Jessey: Rise Of The Tomb Raider is among the best entries in the long-running series. Achievements are available for the most hardcore to pursue, some of them testing the most hardcore player's patience and skill. From going in guns-blazing to using stealth, players are always able to try new strategies to overcome challenges. With that in mind, plenty of gameplay styles exist for players to try. RELATED: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider: Essential Tips To Survive The Game Drawing comparisons to the Uncharted series, its focus on exploration and sandbox-like missions allow for plenty of freedom seldom seen today. Tomb Raider has seen a resurgence in popularity as of late thanks to its rebooted series of games and constant DLC and updates.

How to get rope arrows in rise of the tomb raider